Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Alan is going to UK afterall..........

Yet another farewell, I lost count of how many farewells being thrown for friends.. leaving for UK to studies, or colleagues leaving the company. Anyway, all these farewells, make me treasure them more. Not to take things for granted. And appreciate everyday we can spend time together...

Back to last Sunday, went out with Alan and Debbie to Mid Valley for lunch at Little Vietnam. Took some pictures for remembrance. Alan! Must study hard and play hard too!

Walk around Mid Valley, and yet another stop over at Starbucks. Coz I want to explore and see and touch the precious MacbookMacbook! ! Yes,it belongs to Alan...
How I wish I can own one too..

Played with built in Isight camera and took more silly pictures..
And I learn that they there's a downloadable software called Quick Silver (equivalent as Google Desktop) for Mac.

Let me end my post today with a silent prayer...
May GOD bless my friends who are near or far, to live life to the fullest and be safe all the time.


ngyahloon said...

hurro hurro, i am fine in edinburgh..wah nice photos:P

meglittlemeg said...

goo goo .... shweeeeeeet ~

nice smile!