Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy 牛新年

Howdy... how's your CNY celebration going ya?
It's a fun and happy one for me.. was busy the past few days, decorating house, helping mum preparing for reunion dinner and meals for relatives, visiting relatives.. And today, it's already the second day of CNY, where I get to rest a bit, eating snacks & watching TV while surfing net. So nice.. Outside, it's still the same hot weather days we always have on CNY..

Wishing all my guys gals friend out there, a happy, healthy, and prosperous Ox new year ya! May we have a quality year, spend with loved ones and enjoy our life ok..

Love ya from, megmeg.


KY said...

Wei, when can I go your house take ang pow?

meglittlemeg said...

hehe, yes ar.. can come.. when le? This saturday? hehe, then to baby house?

KY said...

wah...so rush r...wat time at baby's house?

meglittlemeg said...

hehe dunno wor... ;)

Lee said...

isn't the dinner too much???

meglittlemeg said...

hehe, not too much, we have about 20+ relatives coming over to parent's house for the reunion dinner.. hehe... very meriah..